Archive for June 7th, 2011

June 7, 2011

“Oh yes it is”, British censors say Centipede 2 is the sickest horror film ever made

Photo source: MailOnline

[Frightened iToD Daily News Contributor]

UK’s movie raters have refused to classify Centipede 2, the newest horror film which sequels, Centipede, the first showing.  The raters say that their decision is based on their concern that people watching the film will be permanently damaged by viewing it.

The movies‘ theme about a mad scientist and a ‘not so sane’ copycat, who decide to make a human centipede by joining mouths and anus’ of a string of unsuspecting (until the last moment, that is) victims.

The sequel is about a man who sees the first film and then gets so worked up about it, that he decides to play it out in practice – not a good idea for the victims.

Tom Six, a Dutchman, directs both films and says: “…the original gorefest was like my Little Pony compared to part two”.

You have been warned: ‘..Oooga booga..’!

June 7, 2011

UK in revolt over creeping rise of EU Commissioners’ power as they impose stealth taxes on British families and reduce EU inward contribution to Britain

[Tonya Gillam, EU News Contributor]

Britain’s greedy EU masters in Europe have gone a tad to far this time with the British in a move that will involve British families paying more than £200 a year apiece directly into the coffers of the unelected Commissioners.

The move is part of another bid to save the troubled Euro, by imposing stealth taxes upon member states and also cutting contributions inward to those states.

Bill Cash, chairman of the Commons European Scrutiny committee  is reported to have said: ‘This kind of attempt to stitch up the British people can only be answered by the simple word: No. The veto must be used…the Prime Minister knows he is heading for a showdown which he can only lose now that the Liberal Democrats are so weak.’

Another MP, Douglas Carswell said: “Eurocrats simply don’t get it..we have been forced this year to increase massively the amount of money we pay to the EU, both in the budget and through the bailouts of eurozone countries, and still they want more…iIf people want good public services and reasonable rates of tax, we need to decide whether it’s possible to remain members of the EU. The time has come to ask: Is it worth all this?’  He is calling , together is a significant number of other MPs, for Britain to leave the EU as a matter of priority.

Well Britain, don’t say you weren’t warned – check out UK Independence Party Leader, Nigel Farage‘s video commentary on the criminal past of the incumbent EU Commissioners – viewer discretion advised as the video is shocking.

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June 7, 2011

Emma Watson: ‘men are intimidated by me’

[Jill Coughlan, Celebrities Contributor]

MailOnline:   Smart and elegant Harry Potter movies star and Burberry model Emma Watson gave recently out some interesting details of her love  life which her fans and  peers might find truly revealing.

Despite what many of us would have thought, twenty-one-year-old Emma is far from being beleaguered by male admirers. On the contrary, according to her, every time a prospective match finds out whom he is dealing with, he quickly loses interest. ‘I ask my friends, ”Why hasn’t X called me? Why doesn’t anyone ever pursue me?” she says.

However, the star admits that another weighty reason for her being single  after two breakups with financier Jay Barrymore and model George Craig, might be her own insecurity and personality problems, which are probably not very surprising in a girl whose family had split apart when she was five years old.

Sometimes I think I’m the worst person in the world to be in the situation I’m in. I’m shy, I”m sensitive and I’m self-critical. It’s a terrible combination.’

Well, Emma, I wish you the best of appreciation and love, undoubtedly deserved by somebody who made it to the top through great  talent and hard work. Check out therapy though for the insecurity, it worked for me!