Germany denies America drug for killing its citizens

[Tom Hopper, US News Contributor]

Spiegel Online International: With more than 3000 American death row inmates in the 34 US states that  employ the death penalty not-so-eagerly awaiting their killing by lethal injection, America is running out of the lethal injection drugs to despatch the prisoners as US firms stop producing the deadly drug.

America’s desperate attempts to import the drugs though are not proving to be successful as country after country is refusing to supply the deadly drugs. The latest slap in the face for US executioners was from Germany which point-blank refused to supply the drug. Recently, India, UK and Denmark have done the same.

As a result, many executions have had to be delayed and the US is currently considering the employment of more primitive methods to cull its waiting list for executions.

Not a good time to be on death row in the USA it would seem. Perhaps the USA should be looking to get the lethal drugs from countries more amenable to killing their citizens which include Libya, China, Syria, Yemen, DRC as it is unlikely then that it would face any opposition for the importation of the necessary drugs.

In America, offences that carry the death penalty include:

  • Treason
  • Use of weapon of mass destruction resulting in death
  • Espionage, terrorism, certain violations of the Geneva Conventions that result in the death of one or more persons,
  • Aggravated rape in Louisiana, Florida and Oklahoma;
  • Extortionate kidnapping in Oklahoma;
  • Aggravated kidnapping in Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky and South Carolina;
  • Robbery and and aircraft hijacking in Alabama;
  • Drug trafficking resulting in a person’s death in Connecticut and Florida;
  • Train wrecking which leads to a person’s death and perjury which leads to a person’s death in California.

In addition, under the US Uniform Code of Military Justice, execution can be ordered for many more offences including: desertion, mutiny, spying, and misbehaviour before the enemy.

Many of those executed in the USA have received posthumous pardons.

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